31 January 2014


Yonah learned how to make scrambled eggs today. They were fantastic, if needing a touch more salt.

I also had some (re)learning to do, as I assembled my western bridle once again. It was given to me when I first got Shuga, but I've left it largely unused. It was too much of a hassle to switch my bit from bridle to bridle all the time. Now with a second bit, both bridles are functional.

30 January 2014

long lost sun

After what felt like an eternity, the inversion has finally lifted. It was still gray this morning, but it was the lofty gray of clouds instead of the oppressive gray.

Then the clouds began slowly to dissipate, allowing the sun to shine through. Beautiful day.

28 January 2014

running late

Sometimes I feel as if my life is ruled by miniature tyrants. Don't get me wrong, I love the rascals. But some mornings when I have somewhere I need to be... Well. Good luck.

27 January 2014

time with friends

got a copy of the picture of our (dismounted) gang for the trail ride yesterday. From left to right: Nancy, Sandra, Lyn, me, and Char's hat.

26 January 2014


My birthday started off with a trail ride. Shuga and I worked very well together. We actually led the group for about 1/3 of the ride - which is kind of incredible if you know Shuga and me. I was told that it's the most relaxed I've ever looked in saddle. Progress!

We ended with a small birthday party with friends and family. One of our friends brought her cockatiel, Cheek, as begged by the kiddos.

22 January 2014

no longer bored

Reading is boring, huh? Let's just see what the library has to say about that.

Lila wasn't very pleased with how long it took him to decide which book to bring home, though.

21 January 2014

sleep, baby

It's rare now that I catch glimpses of the baby I used to know. She's growing up so quickly.

20 January 2014

personal stalker

It truly does not matter where on the farm I am. She listens and watches for me. Waiting. Asking. Demanding. Begging.

Especially when we haven't been able to ride recently.

19 January 2014

claiming territory

When Lila is feeling clingy and wants to spend a good while snuggling with me, Aravis retaliates by taking over as much of my lap as physically possible.

18 January 2014

my shuga bug

Shuga has a very big personal bubble that she takes quite seriously. She doesn't care for giving or receiving physical affection. If you are very touchy-feely, she steps aside to show that it is unwelcome. This is a part of her personality that probably won't ever change a whole lot, and I'm okay with that because it's who she is.

But she's definitely becoming much warmer toward me. Today she not only allowed me to infiltrate her personal space, but also to rest my head against her. And she allowed me to stay there long enough to snap a few pictures! I can't express how hugely big this is to me.

17 January 2014

16 January 2014

foggy day

I've been told there's a pasture out there... Haha. Apparently the rest of the valley was sunny. Drive a block or two in one direction and suddenly the fog just disappears.

14 January 2014

wetter water

The water is always wetter on the other side of the fence, right? Haha.

(To be clear, she had plenty of water in her own area. She's just a goofy 3-year-old.)

13 January 2014


Once I drove 50 miles just to sit with Shuga for a spell. Now I only have to drive 10. One day soon, I will only have to walk outside my backdoor.

11 January 2014


As much as Arabelle loves the idea of Rapunzel hair, I think the short hair and headband is definitely her look.

10 January 2014

chosen superhero

Batman with a (Harry Potter) wand has been the superhero of choice these last few weeks. Love that boy of mine.

08 January 2014

breaking in the snow

The hardest part about working in the snow is having to ruin the perfection. I've always been a "snow purist," leaving as little evidence of my passing as possible. This simply can't be done on a horse farm. The beauty will be destroyed with every step I have to take.

Knowing this, I put on some appropriate socks this morning.


06 January 2014

want to play?

Yonah waited and waited until Kim finally decided he is old enough to play League of Legends. He's starting to he the hang of it against the beginner bots. But considering he's only 6, he's doing remarkably well.

02 January 2014

dash of white

When I discovered last year that there was some white hair just at the end of the bridle path, I decided to move the bridle path back a touch so that it would grow into the forelock. It is only about a quarter of the forelock length, but it no longer looks like a tuft of forgotten bridle path.

01 January 2014

mane event

I now swear by the "pink stuff." Six months later and I already see a difference. Her tail is a full inch longer and is a touch thicker; her mane is starting to thicken up a bit more and the flaxen coloring is becoming more noticeable; and her forelock is looking a lot less scraggly.