24 February 2013

Week 8: Lines (in) My View

52 Weeks Challenge

My picture for this week feels very un-creative to me. But you have to admit that there are an awful lot of lines to be seen here.

Project 52
My View

 While I only see this on the weekends, it is what gets me through the rest of the week. This picture could also be taken as a prophetic view of my future.

Week 7: Free

This blog has been deserted the last couple of weeks due to mass busy-ness. I started a weekend job at a local horse farm, and we've been preparing to move again. 

The gal in charge of the 52 Weeks challenge was having computer issues that caused us to miss the 7th week. :-(

Project 52 had an inspiration of "Free," meaning that we could feel free to capture whatever fell into our laps to photograph.

09 February 2013

Week 6: Fearless Motion

52 Weeks Challenge

While this isn't the crazy-active shot that I'd imagined getting, I do love the simple motion of this shot.

 Project 52 Challenge

Yonah realized recently that he is scared of heights. But when we went to the "big park", he insisted on climbing up all the climbing rocks. Why? Because he wanted to try the "jumping off thing" to see if he liked it or not.

And this week you get a bonus picture!

This was my initial plan for the Fearless shot. I decided against it because I was so excited to get a shot of Yonah. Between his camera shyness and his sisters' excitement to have their pictures taken, I don't get many pictures of him these days.

02 February 2013

Week 5: Busy Textures

I have been in a creative slump the past few weeks. Even the simple task of writing in my journal is unbearably difficult. It's been very discouraging.

But it was easier today, so maybe I'm starting to come out of it?

This week's inspirations were as follows:

52 Weeks Challenge

Project 52 Challenge

Lila's determination to be as big as her siblings keeps her very busy each day.